[Well Gee since I've got OC Rule on both Chars I get to finish it... The TOrnado works and even hits the Real Naruto. Meta then keeps tapping the A Button (Slices and Dices Naruto). It hits for a lot of damage. Naruto Punches Meta but maet uses his Down B, telecorts behind Naurto and slashes. he then uses his Side B. Naurto uses Subtitution Jutzu. soon kefka Finds himself out on the Field.]
Kefka: Hey what the?! [Kefka gets hit by Meta's attack. Naruto is seen in Kefka's Chair, Laughing]
Fred: RING OUT! Meta Knight wins
Naruto: What!
Kefka: Serves you right @$$hole
Meta: Come back when you can put up a fight...