SD: So the Feind of Earth Chalenges me. this'll be easy...
Bob: I'll say...
Fred: Fight
[SD DaulCasts 2 Saber spells, Raising his Attack and Accuracy, Lich Casts Lit 3 but SD Counter Dual Casts Nul-Shock and Nul-All Reduceing the Damage. SD Dual casts Saber and Temper(Temper Ups Attack), Lich attacks but SD Counter Dual Casts 2 Protects (Upping his defence), he's hardly delt a thing. SD Dual Casts 2 Temper Spells. Lich Attacks and Misses. SD Light Copys' Spellblade, infuzeing his Blades with the Power of Flare. Lich Casts Lit 3 but SD Counter DualCasts 2 Shells (Upping Magic Defence... SD Dualcasts 2 Haste Spells (Uping speed), His new speed allows him to Dual Cast another haste and another Shell, Lich Attacks but SD counter casts a Protect, he's uneffected by Lich's Attack. SD Attacks, CRITICAL HIT!!! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!! Lich goes down]
Fred: GAME SET! The winner is.... Stardart
SD: Lich allways was the easyest...