Mighty: Oh, man... That Ganondorf guy gives me the creeps.
Wario: Hey Donkey Kong! How are you doing?
Donkey Kong: Just fine. I'm going to win this, just so you know.
Wario: Ha! Yeah right! I bet you'll lose to that guy! And even if you did win, sooner or later you'd lose to me!
Bowser: Heh, talk all you idiots want... I'M going to be the winner!
Wario: No, I'm the SUPERSTAR!
Chunky Kong: The guy I'm going to f-face is super s-scary...
Donkey Kong: Don't worry, Chunky! I'm sure you'll be just fine. (He's going to die...)
Knuckle Joe: ... Who are you?
Max the Paratroopa: ...
Knuckle Joe: Well? Are you going to answer?
Max the Paratroopa: Ah, me? I'm just a paratroopa that decided to use a sword, that's all.
Knuckle Joe: ... Good luck.